Last will and testament

Attorney Services for Preparation of Wills

Final will and testament

Your last will and testament is a common yet important, legal document. It should reflect your current needs and goals and state exactly how you wish your estate to be handled when you pass away. Wills may be updated during your lifetime to reflect changes in circumstances and wishes.


Contact the ethical legal team and fully-staffed office at Dryer & Associates P.C. to prepare a legal will that details how your property is distributed amongst your heirs.

Reasons for having a will in place

  • Have in place prior to a medical procedure
  • Provide for and care of minor children
  • Protect family and assets
  • Wills determining distribution of assets
  • Living wills for end-of-life decisions
  • Advance directives for health care
  • Powers of attorney in case of absences, deployments, or incapacitation

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